Call for Papers & Submission:

Academic conference


*The online submission system is ready for your full papers. Please make an EasyChair account and log in to

*Abstract submission is closed.

"Going Digital? New Possibilities of Digital-Community Currency Systems"

Only in the past few years, crypto currencies such as Bitcoin and other altcoins/ tokens have rapidly spread all over the world, expanded its scale, and increased its number. However, we have witnessed in the recent bubble burst of crypto currencies that they have become quite volatile, speculative financial instruments to the extent that they can no longer be called ‘currency’ or ‘money’ to facilitate steady transactions. On the other hand, various social or community-oriented digital coins for promoting local consumption and social investments in the same spirit of community currencies have already been implemented or are currently planned not only in Japan but also in the world.

We are currently approaching a cashless economy where electronic representations of money replace such traditional currency as coin or bank note and the transaction can be done through transfer of digital information. Sweden is close to a perfect model of cashless economy since 99% of payments are conducted without cash. In East Asia, Korea and China are well known as highly cashless economies, where electronic payment systems and digital coins are widely accepted.

Do digital technologies such as blockchain, mining, proof of work and QR code settlement that are used in digital/crypto currencies open up a wide range of non-fiat, private decentralized money systems and create new possibilities for community/complementary currencies? Do they change the basic concepts of geographical 'community' or 'local' to more 'community of interest' or 'abstractly local' in value space? Or do they have any positive/ negative effects on natural, ecological and cultural environments surrounding us?

It would be necessary to ask these questions when seeking a better way for integrating/ hybridizing good genes of both crypto currencies and community currencies. We would like to invite a wide range of academicians, researchers and practitioners to join us and give answers to the questions affirmatively or negatively.

More generally, proposals on any topics covered by the scope of RAMICS will be positively considered, that is, on diverse monetary and social exchange systems, such as schemes that contribute to economic diversity, social cohesion, democratic participation and environmental sustainability, like complementary and community currencies.

Important Dates

Submitting abstracts by March 31st, 2019 May 14th, 2019 (Japan Standard Time) *Abstract submission is closed.

Notification of acceptance by April 30th, 2019 May 31st - June 14th, 2019 (Japan Standard Time)

Submitting full papers by July 30th, 2019 (Japan Standard Time)

*Abstracts and full papers must be submitted through the online submission system, EasyChair ( You have to make an EasyChair account and log in. *Abstract submission is closed.

Themes suggested by the Organizing Committee (but not limited to)

  1. Impact and results of community and complementary currencies
  2. Historical or regional context of community and complementary currencies
  3. Possibilities of digital currency
  4. Innovation of payment and settlement means


  1. Scientific article
    • A scientific article is a theoretical, empirical or experimental study of community and complementary currency systems and digital currency systems.
    • Abstracts and then full papers must be submitted. Abstracts and full papers should be prepared in English or Japanese, using the template supplied in docx format. The abstract should be no longer than 500 words in English or 1,500 characters in Japanese. The full paper length is within 4,000-8,000 words in English or 12,000-24,000 characters in Japanese.
    • The Scientific Committee is in charge of reviewing all submitted abstracts.
    • Scientific articles written in English become the candidates to be selected for special issues of International Journal of Community Currency Research (IJCCR) and Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review (EIER) scheduled to be published after the Congress.
  2. Experience report
    • The focus of experience reports is not theoretical but rather contextual (social, cultural, economic, environmental, political, etc). Reports can focus on procedures, field methodology, results, impacts, challenges, difficulties or others practical aspects.
    • Abstracts and then full papers must be submitted. Abstracts and full papers should be prepared in English or Japanese, using the template supplied in docx format. The abstract should be no longer than 500 words in English or 1,500 characters in Japanese. The full paper length is within 4,000-8,000 words in English or 12,000-24,000 characters in Japanese.
    • The Scientific Committee is in charge of reviewing all submitted abstracts
  3. Poster
    • The purpose of a poster is to report the latest research on community and complementary currency systems and digital currency systems and to introduce the latest examples of them.
    • Abstracts must be submitted, prepared in English or Japanese, using the template supplied in docx format. The abstract should be no longer than 500 words in English or 1,500 characters in Japanese.
    • The Scientific Committee is in charge of reviewing all submitted abstracts.

*You can download the template for abstracts in English from here (on the Google Drive) or here (on the mirror site).

*You can download the template for full papers in English from here (on the Google Drive) or here (on the mirror site).

Scientific Committee

(in alphabetical order)

Aruka, Yuji (Chuo University, Japan)

Blanc, Jerome (Sciences Po Lyon, France)

Corrons, August (Open University of Catalunya, Spain)

Gomez, Georgina (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Hashimoto, Takashi (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

Kobayashi, Shigeto (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

Kurita, Ken-ichi (Kokusai Junior College, Japan)

Mikami, Masahiro (Meiji University, Japan)

Miyazaki, Yoshihisa (National Institute of Technology, Sendai College, Japan)

Nishibe, Makoto (Senshu University, Japan)

Orzi, Ricardo (National University of Luján, Argentine)

Rigo, AriádneScalfoni (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil)

Schroeder, Rolf (Bibliography of Community Currency Research, Germany)

Yoshida, Masayuki (SC Chair) (Joetsu University of Education, Japan)

If you have any question, please send email to

Japanese translation:










要旨提出期限:2019年3月31日 2019年5月14日(日本標準時)*締め切りました。

採択通知期限:2019年4月30日 2019年5月31日~6月14日(日本標準時)


*要旨とフルペーパーについてはオンライン提出システムEasyChairを通じて提出してください( EasyChairのアカウントを作成し,ログインする必要があります。*要旨の提出は締め切りました。


  1. コミュニティ通貨(地域通貨)・補完通貨の影響と結果
  2. コミュニティ通貨(地域通貨)・補完通貨の歴史的・地域的文脈
  3. デジタル通貨の可能性
  4. 決済手段のイノベーション


  1. 学術論文
    • 学術論文は,コミュニティ通貨(地域通貨)・補完通貨やデジタル通貨に関する理論的,経験的,実験的な研究を対象とする.
    • 要旨を提出し,採択通知を受け取った後フルペーパーを提出する.要旨とフルペーパーは英語あるいは日本語で,docxフォーマットのテンプレートを用いて提出しなければならない.要旨は英語で500ワード以内,日本語では1500字以内,フルペーパーは英語で4000−8000ワード,日本語で12000−24000字以内で作成しなければならない.
    • 提出された要旨はすべて学術委員会で査読を行う.
    • 英語で書かれた学術論文は会議ののちに出版される予定であるInternational Journal of Community Currency Research (IJCCR)誌とEvolutionary and Institutional Economic Review (EIER) 誌の特別編集号に掲載される候補となる.
  2. 事例報告(実践や実験に関する)
    • 事例報告は,学術的・理論的テーマよりも現実的テーマ(社会的,文化的,経済的,環境的,政治的等)に光を当て,手続き,現場での方法論,結果,影響,課題や困難など実践的側面を問題にする.
    • 要旨を提出し,採択通知を受け取った後フルペーパーを提出する.要旨とフルペーパーは英語あるいは日本語で,docxフォーマットのテンプレートを用いて提出しなければならない.要旨は英語で500ワード以内,日本語では1500字以内,フルペーパーは英語で4000−8000ワード,日本語で12000−24000字以内で作成しなければならない.
    • 提出された要旨はすべて学術委員会で査読を行う.
  3. ポスター
    • ポスターはコミュニティ通貨(地域通貨)・補完通貨やデジタル通貨に関する最新の研究報告や最新の事例紹介のために行う.
    • 英語あるいは日本語で,docxフォーマットのテンプレートを用いた要旨を提出しなければならない.要旨は英語で500ワード以内,日本語では1500字以内でなければならない.
    • 提出された要旨はすべて学術委員会で査読を行う.

*要旨のテンプレート(日本語版)はこちら(Google Drive内)かこちら(ミラーサイト内)からダウンロードできます

*フルペーパーのテンプレート(日本語版)はこちら(Google Drive内)かこちら(ミラーサイト内)からダウンロードできます。



Aruka, Yuji (Chuo University, Japan)(有賀裕二,中央大学)

Blanc, Jerome (Sciences Po Lyon, France)

Corrons, August (Open University of Catalunya, Spain)

Gomez, Georgina (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Hashimoto, Takashi (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)(橋本敬,北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)

Kobayashi, Shigeto (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)(小林重人,北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)

Kurita, Ken-ichi (Kokusai Junior College, Japan)(栗田健一,国際短期大学)

Mikami, Masahiro (Meiji University, Japan)(三上真寛,明治大学)

Miyazaki, Yoshihisa (National Institute of Technology, Sendai College, Japan)(宮﨑義久,仙台高専)

Nishibe, Makoto (Senshu University, Japan)(西部忠,専修大学)

Orzi, Ricardo (National University of Luján, Argentine)

Rigo, AriádneScalfoni (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil)

Schroeder, Rolf (Bibliography of Community Currency Research, Germany)

Yoshida, Masayuki (SC Chair) (Joetsu University of Education, Japan)(吉田昌幸,上越教育大学)
