Nishibe Makoto Website
Homepage of Prof. Makoto Nishibe, Depertment of Economics, Hokkaido University.
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Community Currency
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"'Glocal' Development of Community Currency [in Japanese]"
"'Local' Currency LETS: Media beyond Money and Credit [in Japanese]"
"A Genealogy of Visions of Money [in Japanese]"
"A Problem of Gesell's 'Robinson Crusoe Story' [in Japanese]"
"An idea of Electricity Policy by Community Currency [in Japanese]"
"Characteristic Local Currencies [in Japanese]"
"Commentary: 'Economics and Evolution' [in Japanese]"
"Commentary: Hayek's Political Economy [in Japanese]"
"Community Building by Community Currency [in Japanese]"
"Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design"
"Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design"
"Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design"
"Community Currency and Community [in Japanese]"
"Community Currency and LETS [in Japanese]"
"Community Currency: Integrative Communication Media [in Japanese]"
"Concept and Metod of Evolutionary Economics: Evolution, Analogy and Simulation [in Japanese]"
"Concepts of Competition and Dynamics: An Task of Market Value Theory [in Japanese]"
"Conceptual and Methodological Foundation of Evolutionary Economics: Metaphor, Analogy, Simulation [in Japanese]"
"Considering Evolutionist Institutional Design from Community Currency [in Japanese]"
"Current Status and Prospect of Community Currency [in Japanese]"
"Economic Policy in Comtemporary Japan and the History of Economic Thought: Comments to Recent Books by Shunpei Takemori and Masazumi Wakatabe [in Japanese]"
"Economic Significance of Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media [in Japanese]"
"Evolution and Design of Money: From the Perspective of Local Currency [in Japanese]"
"Evolutionist Institutional Design [in Japanese]"
"External, Internal and General Commodification of Labor Power: Evolution of Capitalism by 'Internalization of Market' [in Japanese]"
"From Equilibrium and Revolution To Dynamics and Evolution [in Japanese]"
"Globalization and Local Currency [in Japanese]"
"Globalization: evolution of capitalist market economy through 'Internalization of the Market'"
"Hayek who Continued to Criticize Constructivism [in Japanese]"
"Is It Possible to Reconstruct Relationship=Communication between Organizations and Individuals? [in Japanese]"
"Local Currencies as Integrative Communication Media and Evolutionist Institutional Design [in Japanese]"
"Market Value Theory and Dynamic Market Process [in Japanese]"
"Marx's Financial Capitalism"
"Meaning and Future Prospect of Community Currency [in Japanese]"
"Meanings of Rules and Institutions in Evolutionist Institutional Design [in Japanese]"
"Media Design and Community Dock of Community Currency: The Development of New Policy Theory by Evolutionist Institutional Design [in Japanese]"
"Money in the Autonomic Dispersive Market [in Japanese]"
"Multi-layered Adjustment Mechanism of the Market (I): Price and Quantity Adjustment in the Shortest and Shorter Terms [in Japanese]"
"Network Analyses of Community Currencies: Toward an institutional Design for Economic Revitalization and Community Rehabilitation [in Japanese]"
"Policy Thinking of Community Currency [in Japanese]"
"Possibility of LETS in 2001 [in Japanese]"
"Reality and Possibility of Community Currency [in Japanese]"
"Reciprocal Exchange and Equivalent Exchange: Necessity of Prices in Reproductive Economic System [in Japanese]"
"Reconsider 'Community Currency' Now [in Japanese]"
"Renminbi and Local Currency [in Japanese]"
"Rhetoric and Realism: Restitution of Methods [in Japanese]"
"Rules and Institutions in Evolutionist Institutional Design"
"Significance and Possibility of Community Currency: Communication Media which Intergrates Money and Language [in Japanese]"
"The nature of modern money as 'ideational money' that diversifies as private money such as community currencies and cryptocurrencies - in view of evolutionary perspective-"
"The Present Problem of the Hokkaido Regional Economy and a Remedy: A Reform Plan of the Institution of Money and Finance by Using Hokkaido Community Currency"
"The Trend of Economic Thinking of Market and Money: What is Hayek's Position of the Issue?"
"Theory of the Multi-layered Dispersive Market: Irreversible Time, Delinking Mechanism, Price and Quantity Adjustment [in Japanese]"
"Vision of Market as Catallaxy and 'Economic' Problem: General Equilibrium Vision of Market in the Socialist Calculation Debate [in Japanese]"
"Visions of the Market in the Socialist Calculation Debate: Adjustment of Economy and Organization [in Japanese]"
"Vitalization of 'Local Areas' by Community Currency [in Japanese]"
"What is Money? [in Japanese]"
"What is the Strength of Capitalism?: Property Rights, Innovation, and Incentives [in Japanese]"
"What was the 20th Century like?: Capitalism in the 20th Century and Circulation Described by Three Persons [in Japanese]"
“Community Dock Utilizing Community Currency—from the Circulation Experiment Report of Tomamae-cho Community Currency [in Japanese]”
“Redefining Evolutionary Economics”
「多様化する「観念貨幣」としての現代貨幣の本性 :進化的視点からの考察」