Reseach Themes

Autonomic Dispersive Market Theory

Author Year Title Description
Makoto Nishibe. 2019 Whither Capitalism? Internalizing the Market and Free Investment Springer, 1-172
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. 2011 "The Comparison in Transaction Efficiency between Dispersive and Concentrated Money Creation"   Discussion Paper, Series A,, Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University, 237, 1-12
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Whither Capitalism?" Marxist Theory Workshop,, Senshu University, December 17, 2011
Nishibe, M. 2006 "Information and Economy: From Both of the Global and Local Perspectives [in Japanese]"   in Nakajima, N., Harashima, H. and Sakura, O. (eds.), Comprehensive Informatics: Revised Edition [in Japanese],, The Society of the Promotion of the Open University of Japan, Chapter 5 (63-86)
Nishibe, M. (translated by Li Hong-rak) 2006 Let’s Learn About Local Currencies [in Korean] Don Quixote Korea
Nishibe, M. and Uemura, H. 2005 “The Socio-economics of Institutions and Evolution”   Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, the Japan Association for Evoutionary Economics, 2, (1), 1-5
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. 2004 “Multi-layered Adjustment Firm Model in Autonomous Dispersive Market—Based on Multi-agent Simulation [in Japanese]"   Nishibe M. (ed.), Frontier of Evolutionary Economics [in Japanese],, Nippon Hyoron Sha, Chapter 6 (123-157)

Theory of the "Internalization of Market"

Author Year Title Description
Makoto Nishibe. 2019 Whither Capitalism? Internalizing the Market and Free Investment Springer, 1-172
西部忠 2017 「グローバリゼーションの未来:擬制資本が遍在する自由投資主義の彼方」   『比較経済研究』, 比較経済体制学会, 54, (1), 19-48
西部忠 2016 「グローバリゼーションー「市場の内部化」による資本主義市場経済の進化」   『国学院経済学』, 国学院大学, 65, (2), 129-155
Nishibe, M. 2015 "Globalization: evolution of capitalist market economy through 'Internalization of the Market'" Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, Springer, 12, (1), 31-60
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design"   Discussion Paper, Series A,, Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University, 236, 1-18
Nishibe, M. 2011 Whither Capitalism?—Internalization of Market and Free Investment [in Japanese]   NHK Publishing
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design" The Proceedings of International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011,, University of Lyon, France, No. 89, 1-18

Theory of Money and Community Currency

Author Year Title Description
Nishibe, M. 2023 "Diversification and evolution of post-modern money as “ideational money”: from MMT to PMMT" Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, Springer, 20, (1), 47-81
西部忠 2023 「貨幣とアソシエーション」 『専修大学社会科学研究所 月報』, 専修大学社会科学研究所, (721), 19-63
西部忠 2023 「地域内経済循環、再生産、地域内乗数ー地域通貨による貨幣循環の可視化」 重藤さわ子, 秋津元輝, 増田忠義編 , 『季刊農業と経済』, 英明企画編集, 89, (2), 92-103
西部忠 2023 「MMTからPMMTへー多様な観念通貨による貨幣の脱国営化ー」 『SBI金融研究所 所報』, SBI金融研究所, 03, 23-33
Alaraj, M., Nishibe, M. 2022 "Smoothing Away the Stagnation Problem of Community Currencies with “Customized Communities” based on Satisfaction Prediction by Neural Network"   RAMICS2022 in Sofia, Burgaria,
西部忠 2022 「多様化する「観念貨幣」としての現代貨幣の本性 :進化的視点からの考察」   『進化経済学論集』(混迷の世界と経済学), (26), 331-351
西部忠 2020 貨幣とは何か?ー進化的な視点から考える 月報司法書士,,, 全国司法書士連合会, 4-25

History of Economics, Economic Thought

Author Year Title Description
Makoto Nishibe. 2019 Whither Capitalism? Internalizing the Market and Free Investment Springer, 1-172
西部 忠 2017 資本主義に代わるオルタナティブ 『季刊ピープルズ・プラン』, ピープルズ・プラン研究所, 77
西部忠 2017 『経済から見た国家と社会』   リーディングス戦後日本の思想水脈, 岩波書店, 8
Hayek, F. A. (Translated by Ikeda, Y. and Nishibe, M.) 2012 Collection of Essays on Money (Collected Works of F. A. Hayek) [In Japanese]   Shunjusha
Nishibe, M. 2011 "The Trend of Economic Thinking of Market and Money: What is Hayek's Position of the Issue?"   The Proceedings of International Workshop "The Limits to Capitalism: Economics and Liberalism Re-examined",, Hitotsubashi University
Nishibe, M. 2011 "The Trend of Economic Thinking of Market and Money: What is the Hayek’s Position on the Issues?" Hokkaido Branch Meeting of Japanese Societry for the History of Economic Thought,, Hokkai Gakuen University, December 3, 2011
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Whither Capitalism?" Marxist Theory Workshop,, Senshu University, December 17, 2011

Evolutionary Economics

Author Year Title Description
西部忠 2022 「進化経済学講義の構成と教育的ねらい」   『進化経済学論集』(混迷の世界と経済学), 進化経済学会, (26), 9-13
Makoto Nishibe. 2019 Whither Capitalism? Internalizing the Market and Free Investment Springer, 1-172
T. Kusago, M. Nishibe 2018 "Community dock: a new policy approach for altering institutions"   Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, Springer, (15), 431–459
Takashi Hashimoto and Makoto Nishibe 2017 "Theoretical model of institutional ecosystems and its economic implications"   Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, Springer, (14), 1-27
西部忠 2015 「経済学と経済の共進化」   『季刊経済理論』経済理論学会, Political Economy Quarterly, Japan Society of Political Economy,, 桜井書店, 52, (1), 22-35
西部忠,吉田雅明,江頭進,橋本敬,澤邉紀生 2015 『進化経済学基礎』増補第二刷   日本経済評論社, 1-308
Hashimoto, T., Nishibe, M. 2012 "Institutional Ecology: A Theoretical Model and Its Economic Implications," Economic Studies,, Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University, 61, (4), 131-151


Author Year Title Description
Makoto Nishibe 2019 "Marx's Financial Capitalism"   The Japanese Political Economy,, Routledge, 45, (1-2), 68-80
西部忠 2018 「金融資本主義論:「自由投資資本主義」の一側面としての」   吉原直毅, 『経済セミナー増刊』(されどマルクス), 経済評論社
西部忠 2017 「資本主義に代わるオルタナティブ」   ロシア革命100年, 『季刊ピープルズプラン』, ピープルズプラン研究所, (77), 101-119
西部忠 2011 「深刻化する不公正の拡大(観測気流)」   『北海道新聞』, 2011年11月17日朝刊, 10
Nishibe, M. 2007 "Fundamental Perspective of Local Creativity Development [in Japanese]" Way of Regeneration toward the Local 'Creativity' Improvement [in Japanese],, Hokkaido Institutte for the Future Advancement, Chapter 1 (25-39)
Nishibe, M. 2004 "Is It Possible to Reconstruct Relationship=Communication between Organizations and Individuals? [in Japanese]" InterCommunication,, NTT Publishing Co., 50, 28-37
Nishibe, M. (ed.) 2004 Proposal for 'Do-Shu' System: To Japan at A Crisis and Regeneration of Hokkaido [in Japanese] Hokkaido Institute for the Future Advancement