論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2024 |
5 |
「地域通貨と域内経済循環」 |
『高崎経済大学論集』 |
高崎経済大学経済学会 |
66, (4), 371-374 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2023 |
5 |
「地域内経済循環、再生産、地域内乗数ー地域通貨による貨幣循環の可視化」 |
重藤さわ子, 秋津元輝, 増田忠義編 |
『季刊農業と経済』 |
英明企画編集 |
89, (2), 92-103 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2023 |
7 |
「貨幣とアソシエーション」 |
『専修大学社会科学研究所 月報』 |
専修大学社会科学研究所 |
(721), 19-63 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2023 |
5 |
"Diversification and evolution of post-modern money as “ideational money”: from MMT to PMMT" |
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review |
Springer |
20, (1), 47-81 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2023 |
02 |
「MMTからPMMTへー多様な観念通貨による貨幣の脱国営化ー」 |
『SBI金融研究所 所報』 |
SBI金融研究所 |
03, 23-33 |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2022 |
05 |
“Good Money Drives Out Bad” Among Diversifying e-Moneys: Cryptocurrency, Stablecoin, and Digital Community Currency |
Yuji Aruka (ed.) |
Digital Designs for Money, Markets, and Social Dilemmas |
Springer |
35-73 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2022 |
3 |
「多様化する「観念貨幣」としての現代貨幣の本性 :進化的視点からの考察」 |
『進化経済学論集』(混迷の世界と経済学) |
(26), 331-351 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2022 |
03 |
「進化経済学講義の構成と教育的ねらい」 |
『進化経済学論集』(混迷の世界と経済学) |
進化経済学会 |
(26), 9-13 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2022 |
10 |
"The nature of modern money as 'ideational money' that diversifies as private money such as community currencies and cryptocurrencies - in view of evolutionary perspective-" |
Biennial International Congress "Contemporary Currency Systems Bridging Communities" in Sofia 2022 Full Papers of 6th RAMICS Congress |
2-19 |
論文(共著) |
Alaraj, M., Nishibe, M. |
2022 |
10 |
"Smoothing Away the Stagnation Problem of Community Currencies with “Customized Communities” based on Satisfaction Prediction by Neural Network" |
RAMICS2022 in Sofia, Burgaria |
論文(共著) |
新良治真円, 西部忠 |
2022 |
3 |
「「カスタマイズされたコミュニティ」によるコミュニティ通貨の滞留問題の改善 ―ニューラルネットワークによる満足度予測に基づく―」 |
『社会科学研究所年報』 |
専修大学社会科学研究所 |
(56), 197-227 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2020 |
11 |
「貨幣とは何か?ー進化的な視点から」 |
『月報司法書士』 |
全国司法書士連合会 |
(77), 1-27 |
著書(単著) |
Makoto Nishibe. |
2019 |
11 |
Whither Capitalism? Internalizing the Market and Free Investment |
Springer |
1-172 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2019 |
07 |
「地域通貨と仮想通貨のハイブリッドで、良貨を生み出すー新たな地域通貨の可能性」 |
『情況』 |
情況出版 |
論文(単著) |
Makoto Nishibe |
2019 |
05 |
"Marx's Financial Capitalism" |
The Japanese Political Economy |
Routledge |
45, (1-2), 68-80 |
著書(共著) |
Mikami, M., Nishibe, M. |
2018 |
09 |
"Gaming simulation using electronic community currencies: behavioural analysis of self-versus-community consciousness" (Chap.12) |
Georgina M. Gomez (ed.) |
Monetary Plurality in Local, Regional and Global Economies |
Routledge/ London, New York |
243-274 |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2018 |
01 |
"The Trend of Economic Thinking on Markets and Money: What Is Hayek’s Position on These Issues?" |
Annette Godart-van der Kroon, Patrik Vonlanthen |
Banking and Monetary Policy from the Perspective of Austrian Economics, Chap.4 |
Springer |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2018 |
05 |
「金融資本主義論:「自由投資資本主義」の一側面としての」 |
吉原直毅 |
『経済セミナー増刊』(されどマルクス) |
経済評論社 |
論文(共著) |
T. Kusago, M. Nishibe |
2018 |
11 |
"Community dock: a new policy approach for altering institutions" |
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review |
Springer |
(15), 431–459 |
著書(編著) |
西部忠 |
2017 |
1 |
『経済から見た国家と社会』 |
リーディングス戦後日本の思想水脈 |
岩波書店 |
8 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2017 |
1 |
「グローバリゼーションの未来:擬制資本が遍在する自由投資主義の彼方」 |
『比較経済研究』 |
比較経済体制学会 |
54, (1), 19-48 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2017 |
10 |
「北海道仮想地域通貨ー進化主義的制度設計に基づく戦略的地域活性化政策」 |
『季刊・経済理論』理論経済学会 |
桜井書店 |
54, (3), 44-60 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2017 |
9 |
「資本主義に代わるオルタナティブ」 |
ロシア革命100年 |
『季刊ピープルズプラン』 |
ピープルズプラン研究所 |
(77), 101-119 |
論文(共著) |
Takashi Hashimoto and Makoto Nishibe |
2017 |
05 |
"Theoretical model of institutional ecosystems and its economic implications" |
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review |
Springer |
(14), 1-27 |
著書(単著) |
Makoto Nishibe |
2016 |
12 |
The Enigma of Money - Gold, Central Banknotes, and Bitcoin |
Springer |
1-93 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2016 |
12 |
「グローバリゼーションー「市場の内部化」による資本主義市場経済の進化」 |
『国学院経済学』 |
国学院大学 |
65, (2), 129-155 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2016 |
「地域通貨の分化ーグローバル化・脱工業化する資本主義の下での先進国と途上国の課題と特性の違いー」 |
『国学院経済学』 |
国学院大学 |
65, (2), 187-205 |
著書(編著) |
西部忠,吉田雅明,江頭進,橋本敬,澤邉紀生 |
2015 |
1 |
『進化経済学基礎』増補第二刷 |
日本経済評論社 |
1-308 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2015 |
6 |
"Globalization: evolution of capitalist market economy through 'Internalization of the Market'" |
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review |
Springer |
12, (1), 31-60 |
論文(単著) |
西部忠 |
2015 |
04 |
「経済学と経済の共進化」 |
『季刊経済理論』経済理論学会Political Economy Quarterly, Japan Society of Political Economy |
桜井書店 |
52, (1), 22-35 |
著書(単著) |
Makoto Nishibe |
2014 |
05 |
The Riddle as Money- Gold, Banknote of Bank of Japan and Bitcoin |
NHK Publishing |
著書(編著) |
Nishibe, M. (ed.) |
2013 |
01 |
Community Currency (Welfare+α) [In Japanese] |
Minerva |
論文(共著) |
Nishibe, M., Kusago, T. |
2013 |
6 |
Community Dock: A New Policy Approach for Altering Institutions |
2nd International Conference on Complementary Currency Systems |
International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Holland |
1-38 |
論文(共著) |
Mikami, M., Nishibe, M. |
2013 |
6 |
"Gaming Simulation using Electronic Community Currency: Behavioral Analysis of Self-versus-Community Consciousness" |
2nd International Conference on Complementary Currency Systems |
International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Holland |
1-30 |
論文(共著) |
Kobayashi, S. Hashimoto, T., Kurita, K., Nishibe, M. |
2013 |
6 |
"Correlation between Currency Consciousness among Participants of Community Currency and Its Circulation" |
2nd International Conference on Complementary Currency Systems |
International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Holland |
1-12 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2012 |
"Media Design and Community Dock of Community Currency: The Development of New Policy Theory by Evolutionist Institutional Design [in Japanese]" |
Discussion Paper, Series B |
Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University |
100, 1-13 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2012 |
"Economic Significance of Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media [in Japanese]" |
Discussion Paper, Series B |
Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University |
99, 1-26 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2012 |
04 |
"The Present Problem of the Hokkaido Regional Economy and a Remedy: A Reform Plan of the Institution of Money and Finance by Using Hokkaido Community Currency" |
Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review |
9, (Suppl.), 113-133 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2012 |
"An idea of Electricity Policy by Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
The Annals of Research Center for Economic and Business Networks |
Research Center for Economic and Business Networks, Hokkaido University |
1, 107-109 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2012 |
07 |
"Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design" |
International Journal of Community Currency Research |
Vol. 16 Special Issue, (D), 36-48 |
論文(共著) |
Nishibe, M.* and Kusago, T.* (*equal contribution) |
2012 |
"Community Dock: Institution-Changing Policy by Communities' Participating Agents" |
the Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
16, 505-528 |
論文(共著) |
Nishibe, M., Kurita, K., Miyazaki, Y., Kichiji, N. and Kusago, T. |
2012 |
"Empirical Study of Nirasaki and Hokuto Cities' Community Currency 'AQUA': a questionnaire survey and a network analysis" |
the Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
16, 545-571 |
論文(共著) |
Mikami, M.* and Nishibe, M.* (*equal contribution) |
2012 |
02 |
"The Application of Electronic Community Currency for Media Design and Community Dock" |
the Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
16, 782-798 |
論文(共著) |
Kobayashi, S., Hashimoto, T. and Nishibe, M. |
2012 |
"Community Bank and Community Association as Institutional Ecology—A Case Study of Palmas Bank in Fortaleza, Brazil—" |
the Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
16, 529-544 |
論文(共著) |
Mikami, M.* and Nishibe, M.* (*equal contribution) |
2012 |
03 |
"The Application of Electronic Community Currency for Media Design and Community Dock" |
Discussion Paper, Series B, The Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration |
Hokkaido University |
103, 1-24 |
論文(共著) |
Hashimoto, T., Nishibe, M. |
2012 |
"Institutional Ecology: A Theoretical Model and Its Economic Implications," |
Economic Studies |
Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University |
61, (4), 131-151 |
論文(共著) |
Nishibe, M., Hashimoto, T., Kobayashi, S., Kurita, K., Miyazaki, Y., Hirota, H. |
2012 |
Report on Banco Palmas in Brazil |
Discussion Paper, Series B |
Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University |
104, 1-78 |
論文(共著) |
Kurita, K., Miyazaki, Y. and Nishibe, M. |
2012 |
07 |
"CC Coupon Circulation and Shopkeepers’ Behaviour: A Case Study of the City of Musashino, Tokyo, Japan" |
International Journal of Community Currency Research |
16, ((D)), 136-145 |
論文(共著) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2012 |
07 |
A comparison in transaction efficiency between dispersive and concentrated money creation |
International Journal of Community Currency Research |
16, (D), 49-57 |
翻訳 |
Hayek, F. A. (Translated by Ikeda, Y. and Nishibe, M.) |
2012 |
Collection of Essays on Money (Collected Works of F. A. Hayek) [In Japanese] |
Shunjusha |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
西部忠 |
2012 |
「進化経済学をつかう―制度・進化・政策」 |
進化経済学会九州部会 |
九州産業大学 |
2012年3月13日 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2012 |
"The Trend of Economic Thinking of Market and Money and its Error: What is the Hayek’s Position on the Issues?" |
Firenze Conference - The World of Finance after Keynes |
Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere “La Colombaria” |
March 22, 2012 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Kobayashi, S., Hashimoto, T. and Nishibe, M. |
2012 |
"Community Bank and Community Association as Institutional Ecology—A Case Study of Palmas Bank in Fortaleza, Brazil—" |
the 16th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
Setsunan University |
March 18, 2012 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Mikami, M.* and Nishibe, M.* (*equal contribution) |
2012 |
"The Application of Electronic Community Currency for Media Design and Community Dock" |
the 16th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
Setsunan University |
March 18, 2012 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Nishibe, M., Kurita, K., Miyazaki, Y., Kichiji, N. and Kusago, T. |
2012 |
"Empirical Study of Nirasaki and Hokuto Cities' Community Currency 'AQUA': a questionnaire survey and a network analysis" |
the 16th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
Setsunan University |
March 18, 2012 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Nishibe, M.* and Kusago, T.* (*equal contribution) |
2012 |
"Community Dock: Institution-Changing Policy by Communities' Participating Agents" |
the 16th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
Setsunan University |
March 18, 2012 |
著書(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
Whither Capitalism?—Internalization of Market and Free Investment [in Japanese] |
NHK Publishing |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
02 |
"Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design" |
Discussion Paper, Series A |
Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University |
236, 1-18 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"The Trend of Economic Thinking of Market and Money: What is Hayek's Position of the Issue?" |
The Proceedings of International Workshop "The Limits to Capitalism: Economics and Liberalism Re-examined" |
Hitotsubashi University |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design" |
The Proceedings of International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011 |
University of Lyon, France |
No. 89, 1-18 |
論文(共著) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"The Comparison in Transaction Efficiency between Dispersive and Concentrated Money Creation" |
Discussion Paper, Series A |
Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University |
237, 1-12 |
論文(共著) |
Kurita, K., Miyazaki, Y. and Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"Relationship between Shopping Streets and Community Currency Circulation : A Case Study of the City of Musashino, Tokyo, Japan" |
Discussion Paper, Series A |
Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration Hokkaido University |
235, 1-18 |
論文(共著) |
Kobayashi, S., Kurita, K., Nishibe, M. and Hashimoto, T. |
2011 |
"Flow of Micro-Meso-Macro Loop in Experiment of Circulation of Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
the Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
15, 624-641 |
論文(共著) |
Hashimoto, T. and Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"Theoretical Model of Institutional Ecology and its Economic Implication [in Japanese]" (Organized Session: 'Theory and Application of Institutionalist Ecological Approach') |
the Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
15, 605-623 |
論文(共著) |
Kurita, K., Miyazaki, Y. and Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"Relationship between Shopping Streets and Community Currency Circulation: A Case Study of the City of Musashino, Tokyo, Japan" |
The Proceedings of International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011 |
University of Lyon, France |
No. 61, 1-18 |
論文(共著) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"The Comparison in Characteristics between Dispersive and Concentrated Money Creation" |
The Proceedings of International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011 |
University of Lyon, France |
No. 90, 1-12 |
論文(共著) |
Kobayashi, K., Ken-ichi, K., Nishibe, M. and Hashimoto, T. |
2011 |
"Flow of Micro-Meso-Macro-Loop in experiment of circulation of community currency : money consciousness in Meso level [in Japanese]" |
Discussion Paper, Series B |
Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University |
96, 1-17 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2011 |
「深刻化する不公正の拡大(観測気流)」 |
『北海道新聞』 |
2011年11月17日朝刊, 10 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design" |
International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011 |
ENS de Lyon, site Descartes, Lyon, France |
February 16, 2011 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"The Range of Evolutionary Economics: The Motif and Theme of 'Evolutionary Economics: Its Foundation'" |
The 8th Meeting of JAFEE Hokkaido-Tohoku Branch |
Asahikawa University |
September 3rd, 2011 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"The Trend of Economic Thinking of Market and Money: What is the Hayek’s Position on the Issues?" |
Hokkaido Branch Meeting of Japanese Societry for the History of Economic Thought |
Hokkai Gakuen University |
December 3, 2011 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"Whither Capitalism?" |
Marxist Theory Workshop |
Senshu University |
December 17, 2011 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"The Comparison in Characteristics between Dispersive and Concentrated Money Creation" |
International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011 |
ENS de Lyon, site Descartes, Lyon, France |
February 16, 2011 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Kurita, K., Miyazaki, Y. and Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"Relationship between Shopping Streets and Community Currency Circulation: A Case Study of the City of Musashino, Tokyo, Japan" |
International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011 |
ENS de Lyon, site Descartes, Lyon, France |
February 17, 2011 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Hashimoto, T. and Nishibe, M. |
2011 |
"Theoretical Model of Institutional Ecology and its Economic Implication [in Japanese]" (Organized Session: 'Theory and Application of Institutionalist Ecological Approach') |
the 15th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
Nagoya University |
March 20, 2011 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Kobayashi, S., Kurita, K., Nishibe, M. and Hashimoto, T. |
2011 |
"Flow of Micro-Meso-Macro Loop in Experiment of Circulation of Community Currency [in Japanese]" (Organized Session: 'Theory and Application of Institutionalist Ecological Approach') |
the 15th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
Nagoya University |
Match 20, 2011 |
著書(編著) |
Nishibe, M. and Yoshida, M. et al. (eds.) |
2010 |
Evolutionary Economics: Its Foundation [in Japanese] |
Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2010 |
07 |
“Hayek's Transformation of Market-Images in the 1930-40s” |
in Hagemann, H., Nishizawa, T. and Ikeda, Y. (eds.) |
Austrian Economics in Transition |
Palgrave Macmillan |
Chapter 15 (290-309) |
論文(共著) |
Masuda, Y. and Nishibe, M. |
2010 |
”Reconsidering Soft Budget Constraints: In case of Chinese Privatization and Economic Growth“ |
Yang Heqing (ed.) |
The Proceedings of the Second International Seminar of China's Economic Growth and the Employment |
Jiangxi University Press |
54-62 |
論文(共著) |
Kobayashi, S.*,Nishibe, M.*,Kurita, K. and Hashimoto, T. (*equal contribution) |
2010 |
"Difference of Money Consciousness by Social Activities: Community Currency Participants vs Financial Organization Participants [in Japanese]" |
Enterprise Studies |
Chuo University |
17, 73-91 |
論文(共著) |
Nishibe, M., Kusago, T., Hashimoto, T. and Kichiji, N. |
2010 |
"Community Dock as an Evolutionist Policy Method [in Japanese]" |
the Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
14, 394-412 |
論文(共著) |
Kobayashi, S.*,Kurita, K.*,Nishibe, M. and Hashimoto, T. (*equal contribution) |
2010 |
"The Change of Money Consciousness through Experiment of Circulation of Community Currency: A Case Study in Musashino City [in Japanese]" |
Working Paper Series |
Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences |
118, 1-18 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2010 |
「地域通貨」の可能性は~経済、社会を活性化(教えて!エコノゼミ)」 |
『北海道新聞』 |
2010年7月7日 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2010 |
"Hayek's Transformation of Market-Images in 1930-40s'" |
The 16th Hokkaido University and Yonsei University Joint Symposium |
Yonsei University |
September 8, 2010 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Kobayashi, S., Kurita, K., Nishibe, M. and Hashimoto, T. |
2010 |
"Analysis of Varitation in Money Consciousness on Before-and-After Circulation Test of Community Currency [in Japanese]" (Organized Session: 'Socio-Economic Policy Theory by the Institutional Ecology Approach') |
the 14th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
Shitennoji University |
March 27, 2010 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Nishibe, M., Hashimoto, T., Kusago, T. and Kichiji, N. |
2010 |
"Community Dock as the Evolutionist Institutional Design [in Japanese]" (Organized Session: 'Socio-Economic Policy Theory by the Institutional Ecology Approach') |
the 14th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
Shitennoji University |
March 27, 2010 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2009 |
07 |
「地域通貨の可能性を説く」 |
各紙(共同通信社配信) |
2009年7月 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2009 |
08 |
「地域通貨の意義と課題~地域活性化とコミュニケーションの視点から」 |
『生産性新聞』 |
2009年8月25日 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
西部忠 |
2009 |
Commentator for: 小川一仁・高橋広雅・二村英夫「地域通貨の使用体験が公共財供給にもたらす影響―経済実験による考察―」 |
2009 Annual Conference of Japanese Economic Association |
Senshu University |
October 11, 2009 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Masuda, Y. and Nishibe, M. |
2009 |
"Reconsidering Soft Budget Constraints: In case of Chinese Privatization and Economic Growth" |
The Second International Seminar of China's Economic Growth and the Employment |
China Institute of Industrial Relations |
October 22-25, 2009 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2008 |
"Network Analyses of Community Currencies: Toward an institutional Design for Economic Revitalization and Community Rehabilitation [in Japanese]" |
Information Processing |
Information Processing Society of Japan |
49, (3), 290-297 |
論文(共著) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2008 |
“Network Analyses of the Circulation Flow of Community Currency” |
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review |
the Japan Association for Evoutionary Economics |
4, (2), 267-300 |
論文(共著) |
Kobayashi, S.*,Nishibe, M.*,Kurita, K. and Hashimoto, T. (*equal contribution) |
2008 |
"Difference of Money Consciousness by Social Activities: Community Currency Participants vs Finalcial Institution Participants [in Japanese]" |
Working Paper Series |
Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences |
85 |
論文(共著) |
Nishibe, M., Kusago, T., Kurita, K., Yoshida, M., Yamamoto, K. and Miyazaki, Y. |
2008 |
"A Report of Tomamae-cho Community Currency Second Circulation Experiment: Focusing on Questionaire Survey and Interview [in Japanese]" |
Discussion Paper, Series B |
Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University |
75, 1-59 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2008 |
「地域も企業もコミュニティ再建が鍵を握る サミットではエネルギー・食料問題の解決を」 |
『ACTIO』(アクティオネットワーク) |
1270 (2008年6月25日), 6-8 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2008 |
"What is Eco-Money and Local Money [in Japanese]" |
Practice of Eco-Money, Nikkei BP Eco Management Forum |
Prefectural Hall |
February 8, 2008 |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2007 |
"Internalization of Market and Transformation into the Knowledge Economy [in Japanese]" |
in Obata, M., Aosai, T. and Shimizu, A. (eds.) |
Study of Marxian Theory [in Japanese] |
Ochanomizu Shobo |
Chapter 7 (91-106) |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2007 |
"Fundamental Perspective of Local Creativity Development [in Japanese]" |
Way of Regeneration toward the Local 'Creativity' Improvement [in Japanese] |
Hokkaido Institutte for the Future Advancement |
Chapter 1 (25-39) |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2007 |
"Meanings of Rules and Institutions in Evolutionist Institutional Design [in Japanese]" |
The Bulletin for Economic Sociology |
The Society of Economic Sociology |
29, 86-94 |
論文(共著) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2007 |
“Power Law Distributions in two Community Currencies” |
Topological Aspects of Critical Systems and Networks: Proceedings of the International Symposium |
World Scientific |
59-64 |
論文(共著) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2007 |
"Characteristic Comparison of Decentralized Currency Issue and Concentrated Currency Issue -Random Network Simulation of Local Exchange Trading System (LETS)- [in Japanese]" |
Economic Studies |
Hokkaido University |
57, (2), 1-14 |
論文(共著) |
Kichiji, N., Kurita, K.,Tanda, S. and Nishibe, M. |
2007 |
"Multifaceted Approch to Social-Relation Capital Formation through Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
The Bulletin for Economic Sociology |
The Society of Economic Sociology |
29, 207-222 |
著書(単著) |
Nishibe, M. (translated by Li Hong-rak) |
2006 |
Let’s Learn About Local Currencies [in Korean] |
Don Quixote Korea |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Information and Economy: From Both of the Global and Local Perspectives [in Japanese]" |
in Nakajima, N., Harashima, H. and Sakura, O. (eds.) |
Comprehensive Informatics: Revised Edition [in Japanese] |
The Society of the Promotion of the Open University of Japan |
Chapter 5 (63-86) |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
09 |
“Redefining Evolutionary Economics” |
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review |
the Japan Association for Evoutionary Economics |
3, (1), 3-25 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Local Currencies as Integrative Communication Media and Evolutionist Institutional Design [in Japanese]" |
The Bulletin for Economic Sociology |
The Society of Economic Sociology |
28, 6-20 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Commentary: Hayek's Political Economy [in Japanese]" |
in Fleetwood, S. (translated by Sasaki, K., Nishibe, M. and Hara, N.) |
Hayek's Political Economy: The Socio-economics of Order [in Japanese] |
Hosei University Press |
289-302 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Policy Thinking of Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
the Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
10, 337-346 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
“Community Dock Utilizing Community Currency—from the Circulation Experiment Report of Tomamae-cho Community Currency [in Japanese]” |
Local Policy Studies |
Research Institute for Local Government |
34, 40-56 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Community Currency: Integrative Communication Media [in Japanese]" |
Urban Studies |
The Tokyo Institute for Municipal Research |
59, (7), 40-49 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Hayek who Continued to Criticize Constructivism [in Japanese]" |
Risen |
Jissensha |
86, 64-87 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Rules and Institutions in Evolutionist Institutional Design" |
Economic Studies |
Hokkaido University |
56, (2), 133-146 |
論文(共著) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Network Analysis of Local Currency Circuit [in Japanese]" |
the Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evoutionary Economics |
10, 317-326 |
報告書 |
Nishibe, M. (ed.) |
2006 |
A Report on the Experimental Circulation Project of Tomamae-cho's Community Currency [in Japanese] |
Tomamae-cho Society of Commerce and Industry |
翻訳 |
Fleetwood, S. (Translated by Sasaki, K., Nishibe, M. and Hara, N.) |
2006 |
Hayek's Political Economy: The Socio-Economics of Order [in Japanese] |
Hosei University Press |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2006 |
「経済学者・経営学者が薦める本」 |
『経済セミナー増刊―経済学がわかる本』(日本評論社) |
110 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
2006 |
「書評:伊藤誠『幻滅の資本主義』大月書店」 |
『もうひとつの世界へ』(ロゴス社) |
4, 53 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Internalization of the Market and KBE" |
Workshop: Creation of Value in a KBE |
Institute for Advanced Studies, Lancaster University, UK |
April 5-6, 2006 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Inseparability and Bidirectional Causality of Labour Process and Knowledge Process" |
Korea Social & Economic Studies Association |
Daegu University, South Korea |
May 18, 2006 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Policy Thinking of Community Currency [in Japanese]" (Organized Session: "Empirical Analysis and Policy Perspective of Community Currency") |
the 10th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
Hokkaido University |
March 26, 2006 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2006 |
"Network Analysis of Community Currency Circulation [in Japanese]" (Organized Session: 'Empirical Analysis and Policy Prospect of Community Currency') |
the 10th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
Hokkaido University |
March 26, 2006 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Nishibe, M., Kichiji, N. and Kurita, K. |
2006 |
"Dual Approach to Tomamae-cho Community Currency Circulation Experiment [in Japanese]" |
the 42th Annual Conference of the Society of Economic Sociology |
Sophia University |
September 2006 |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2005 |
09 |
“The Theory of Labour Money: Implications of Marx's Critique for the Local Exchange Trading System (LETS)” |
in Uchida, H. (ed.) |
Marx for the 21st Century |
Routledge |
Chapter 7 (89-105) |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2005 |
"The Present of Evolutionary Economics [in Japanese]" |
in Yoshida, M. (ed.) |
The Present of Economics 2 [in Japanese] |
Nihon Keizai Hyoron Sha |
Chapter 1 (3-96) |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2005 |
"A Problem of Gesell's 'Robinson Crusoe Story' [in Japanese]" |
Associe21 Newsletter |
Associe |
76, 2-6 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2005 |
"Renminbi and Local Currency [in Japanese]" |
Neppu |
Studio Ghibli |
3, (9), 4-13 |
論文(共著) |
Nishibe, M. and Uemura, H. |
2005 |
“The Socio-economics of Institutions and Evolution” |
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review |
the Japan Association for Evoutionary Economics |
2, (1), 1-5 |
論文(共著) |
Hashimoto, T. and Nishibe, M. |
2005 |
“Rule ecology dynamics for studying dynamical and interactional nature of social institutions” |
Proceedings of The Tenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB05) (CD-ROM) |
報告書 |
Nishibe, M. (ed.) |
2005 |
A Report on the Circulation Experimentation of Tomamae-cho's Community Currency [in Japanese] |
Hokkaido Federation of Societies of Commerce and Industry |
翻訳 |
Morishima, M. (Translated by Yasutomi, A., Mutoh, I., Nishibe, M. and Endo, M.) |
2005 |
The Theory of Economic Growth (Collected Works of Morishima Michio, Volume 3) [in Japanese] |
Iwanami Shoten |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2005 |
Moderator: Part III "Future Vision of Local Currency Platform", Panelist: Part IV "National Movement and Local Currency" |
Local Currency Summit in Expo 2005 |
Civic Pavilion in Expo 2005 Aichi |
May 28, 2005 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2005 |
"Guest Lecture: Evolution of Money and Local Currencies as Integrative Communication Media [in Japanese]" |
2005 Annual Conference of the Society of Economic Sociology |
Doshisha University |
September 19, 2005 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2005 |
"Zipf Law in a Community Currency System Called LETS" |
Econophysics Colloquium 2005 |
Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia |
November 14-18, 2005 |
著書(編著) |
Nishibe, M. (ed.) |
2004 |
Frontier of Evolutionary Economics [in Japanese] |
Nippon Hyoronsha |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2004 |
"Evolutionist Institutional Design [in Japanese]" |
in Nishibe, M. (ed.) |
Frontier of Evolutionary Economics [in Japanese] |
Nippon Hyoronsha |
Chapter 1 (3-34) |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2004 |
"Urban Regeneration and Human Development [in Japanese]" |
in Ueda, K., Jinno, N., Nishimura, Y. and Mamiya, Y. (eds.) |
Urban Economy and Industry Regeneration: Thinking Regeneration of Urban City 4 [in Japanese] |
Iwanami Shoten |
Chapter 8 (209-242) |
著書(共著) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2004 |
“Multi-layered Adjustment Firm Model in Autonomous Dispersive Market—Based on Multi-agent Simulation [in Japanese]" |
Nishibe M. (ed.) |
Frontier of Evolutionary Economics [in Japanese] |
Nippon Hyoron Sha |
Chapter 6 (123-157) |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2004 |
"Is It Possible to Reconstruct Relationship=Communication between Organizations and Individuals? [in Japanese]" |
InterCommunication |
NTT Publishing Co. |
50, 28-37 |
報告書 |
Nishibe, M. (ed.) |
2004 |
Encouragement of Community Currency [in Japanese] |
Hokkaido Federation of Societies of Commerce and Industry |
報告書 |
Nishibe, M. (ed.) |
2004 |
Proposal for 'Do-Shu' System: To Japan at A Crisis and Regeneration of Hokkaido [in Japanese] |
Hokkaido Institute for the Future Advancement |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2004 |
「本格化する地域通貨」 |
『河北日報』 |
2004年1月3日 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2004 |
「ウィトゲンシュタインとマーシャルの墓」 |
『年金時代,臨時増刊夏号』(社会保険研究所) |
2004年7月 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
2004 |
「書評:金子勝・児玉龍彦『逆システム学』岩波新書」 |
『東京新聞』 |
2004年3月7日朝刊 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
2004 |
「書評:Kenneth R. Hoover: Economics as Ideology: Keynes, Laski, Hayek and the creation of comtemporary politics、Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003」 |
『経済学史学会年報』(経済学史学会) |
44 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
2004 |
「書評:トニー・ローソン著/八木紀一郎監訳『経済学と実在』」 |
『季刊経済理論』(経済理論学会) |
41, (1) |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2004 |
"Community Money as Integrative Commu-Media: The Social-Ideological Meaning and Applicability to Institutional Design [in Japanese]" and "Practice of Online Community Money [in Japanese]" |
Guest Lecture and Session Presentation of the 10th Emergence Symposium sponsored by the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers |
Toyama INTEC Oyama Learning Center |
August 20-22, 2004 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2004 |
"Community Currencies in Hokkaido [in Japanese]" |
the 89th Hokkaido Economic Association Symposium |
Hokkaido University |
October 23, 2004 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2004 |
"Elucidation of Economic and Social Network by Community Currency Experiment [in Japanese]" |
the 21st COE Program "Topological Science and Technology", Association of Enreiso |
School of Engineering Hokkaido University |
September 29, 2004 |
著書(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2003 |
Local Currencies and Local Governance [in Japanese] |
Kojin no Tomo |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2003 |
"Characteristic Local Currencies [in Japanese]" |
Hokkaido Employment Economy Research Organization |
21, 1-3 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2003 |
"Commentary: 'Economics and Evolution' [in Japanese]" |
in Hodgson, G. M. (translated by Nishibe, M. et al.) |
Economics and Evolution [in Japanese] |
Toyo Keizai |
485-508 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2003 |
"Economic Policy in Comtemporary Japan and the History of Economic Thought: Comments to Recent Books by Shunpei Takemori and Masazumi Wakatabe [in Japanese]" |
Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought |
43, 114-117 |
翻訳 |
Hodgson, G. M. (Translated by Nishibe, M. et al.) |
2003 |
Economics and Evolution [in Japanese] |
Toyo Keizai |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2003 |
「シエナ通信」 |
『重力02』 |
作品社 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2003 |
「変転する現実が経済学に迫る課題(市場経済移行10年を振り返って アンケート調査)」 |
『比較経済体制研究』(比較経済体制研究会) |
10, 77-78 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2003 |
"What is Money?: A look at local currencies or LETS (Local Exchange Trading Systems)" |
Cambridge Realist Workshop |
Cambridge University, UK |
February 17, 2003 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2003 |
"Evolution of Money and Community Currencies" |
Future Seminars |
Cranfield School of Management, UK |
June 9, 2003 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2003 |
"Community Currency as Community Media [in Japanese]" |
the 8th Knowledge Science Seminar Presentation |
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
November 4, 2003 |
著書(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
Let’s Learn About Local Currencies [in Japanese] |
Iwanami Shoten |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
"Social Entrepreneur Owen [in Japanese]" |
in Ju-ryoku Editorial Board (ed.) |
Ju-ryoku 01 |
Aoyama Publishing Co. |
256-293 |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
"Information and Economy [in Japanese]" |
in Nakajima, N., Harashima, H. and Sakura, O. (eds.) |
Comprehensive Informatics [in Japanese] |
The Society of the Promotion of the Open University of Japan |
Chapter 5 |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
"Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
in Mekada, S. (ed.) |
Handbook of Citizens' Toolbox [in Japanese] |
Iwanami Shoten |
205-207 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
"Evolutionist Institutional Design [in Japanese]" |
Social and Economic Systems Studies |
Japan Association for Social and Economic Systems Studies |
23, 66-72 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
"Evolution and Design of Money: From the Perspective of Local Currency [in Japanese]" |
the Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
6, 255-264 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
"'Glocal' Development of Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
Monthly Jichiken |
Jichiken Central Promotion Committee Bureau |
44, (511), 34-46 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
"What is Money? [in Japanese]" |
Keizai Seminar |
Nippon Hyoronsha |
572, 70-78 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
"Reconsider 'Community Currency' Now [in Japanese]" |
The Economist |
Mainichi Newspapers |
80, (45), 44-47 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
"A Genealogy of Visions of Money [in Japanese]" |
Critical Space |
Critical Space Co. |
III-4, 42-58 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2002 |
「共同討議:『トランスクリティーク』をめぐって」 |
『批評空間』(太田出版) |
III-2 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2002 |
「共同討議:「重力」は何をしようとしているのか?」 |
『重力01』 |
青山出版社 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2002 |
「辞典項目:マルクス主義」 |
永井均他編 |
『哲学の木』(講談社) |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2002 |
「「グローカル」なバーチャル・コミュニティ「Q」」 |
『city&life』(第一住宅建設協会) |
2002.3 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2002 |
「グローカル通貨「Q」」 |
『ピープルズ・プラン』(ピープルズ・プラン研究所) |
2002年4月, 61-73 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2002 |
「共同討議:ローカルマネーの可能性」 |
『発言者』(秀明出版会) |
98, 14-32 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2002 |
「経済伊曾保物語1~12」 |
『ビジネス英会話』(NHKラジオ) |
2002年4月~2003年3月 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
2002 |
「書評:塩沢由典『マルクスの遺産』藤原書店」 |
『週刊読書人』(読書人) |
2002年6月21日号 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
"Can Community Currencies Be the Counter Media to the Globalization? [in Japanese]" |
Common Subject: Public Seminar of Thinking about Globalization |
The Open University of Japan |
December 16, 2002 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2002 |
"Inventory, Labour and Price Movements in Business Cycles Based on Multi Agent Simulation" |
The Seventh Post-Keynesian Conference |
Kansas City, USA |
September 30, 2002 |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"Dynamic Mechanism of Division of Labour: Reexamining the Beginning Four Chapters of Smith's Wealth of Nations [in Japanese]" |
in Itoh, M. (ed.) |
Mechanism and Fluctuation of Capitalist Economy [in Japanese] |
Ochanomizu Shobo |
Chapter 2 (37-70) |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"Possibility of LETS in 2001 [in Japanese]" |
Kohkoku |
Hakuhodo |
345, 40-43 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"Community Building by Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
Finansurance |
Meiji Life Insurance Company Finansurance Research Institute |
38, 1-27 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"Meaning and Future Prospect of Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
Think Gifu |
Gifu Economic and Industrial Promotion Center |
111, 22-28 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"Reality and Possibility of Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
Risen |
Jissensha |
66, 148-162 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"On LETS" |
Critical Space |
Critical Space Co. |
III-1, 27-52 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"Considering Evolutionist Institutional Design from Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
Gakusai |
Kozo Keikaku Engineering |
3, 37-47 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"Community Currency and LETS [in Japanese]" |
C Magazine |
Softbank Publishing |
December 2001, 47-52 |
報告書 |
Nishibe, M. (ed.) |
2001 |
Possibility of Community Currency Toward the Enriched Community Development [in Japanese] |
Hokkaido Municipal Training Center |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2001 |
「地域通貨LETSから見た理論的展望」 |
『Marx & Radicalism Review』 |
18, 1-11 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2001 |
「ソトコト・インタビュー(with マイケル・リントン)」 |
『ソトコト』(ソトコトショップ) |
28 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2001 |
「お金であってお金じゃない,二重性を持ったメディアの正体」 |
『Tiger Magazine』(タイガーコーポレイション) |
3, 38-42 |
論評その他 |
森野栄一,西部忠 |
2001 |
「共同討議:ECONOMY―自然と人にやさしい経済システムとは?」 |
坂本龍一編 |
『アースデイフォーラムブックレット2001』 |
NTT出版 |
44-78 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
2001 |
「書評:安富歩『貨幣の複雑性』創文社」 |
『創文』(創文社) |
2001年10月 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
2001 |
「書評:平井俊顕『ケインズ・シュムペーター・ハイエク―市場社会像を求めて―』ミネルヴァ書房」 |
『一橋論叢』(一橋大学) |
2001年12月 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"Economy and Knowledge: Economic Evolution and Institutional Design [in Japanese]" |
2001 Autumn Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
Kansai University |
September 2001 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"Evolutionist Institutional Design [in Japanese]" |
the Japan Association for Social and Economic Systems Studies, the 20th conference project subcommittee meeting II: New fields of Systems Theory |
Kyoto University |
November 11, 1996 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"Multi-layered Adjustment Firms and Business Cycles" |
The Third Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics |
The Open University Conference Centre, London, UK |
July 7-8, 2001 |
学会,国際会議等(共同) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2001 |
"Complex Adaptive System Simulation by the Heterogeneous Multilayered Firms" |
Association for heterodox economics 3rd annual conference |
Open University Conference Centre, London, UK |
July 7-8, 2001 |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
11 |
"Ethics in Exchange and Reciprocity" |
in Shionoya, Y. and Yagi, K. (eds.) |
Trust, Cooperation and Competition |
Springer-Verlag |
Chapter 4 (77-95) |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
"'Local' Currency LETS: Media beyond Money and Credit [in Japanese]" |
in Karatani, K. (ed.) |
Possible Communism [in Japanese] |
Ohta Publishing Co. |
Chapter 3 (89-162) |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
"Community Currency and Community [in Japanese]" |
Social Movement |
Policy Research Institute for the Civil Sector |
January 2000, 35-38 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
"Concept and Metod of Evolutionary Economics: Evolution, Analogy and Simulation [in Japanese]" |
the Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
4, 230-233 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
"Significance and Possibility of Community Currency: Communication Media which Intergrates Money and Language [in Japanese]" |
Asteion |
53, 127-162 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
"Conceptual and Methodological Foundation of Evolutionary Economics: Metaphor, Analogy, Simulation [in Japanese]" |
Economic Studies |
Hokkaido University |
50, (1), 69-82 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
"Vitalization of 'Local Areas' by Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
Local Finance |
Gyosei Corporation |
556, 1-24 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
"Current Status and Prospect of Community Currency [in Japanese]" |
Kanpo Fund |
Kanpo Fund Reconstruction Support Center |
269, 4-9 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
"Globalization and Local Currency [in Japanese]" |
Associe |
Ochanomizu Shobo |
4, 326-342 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
"Money in the Autonomic Dispersive Market [in Japanese]" |
Economic Studies |
Hokkaido University |
50, (3), 78-97 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
"What was the 20th Century like?: Capitalism in the 20th Century and Circulation Described by Three Persons [in Japanese]" |
Keizai Seminar |
Nippon Hyoronsha |
547, 30-32 |
論文(共著) |
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. |
2000 |
"Complex Adaptive System Simulation by the Heterogeneous Multi-layered Firms [in Japanese]" |
the Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
4, 288-291 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「LETSの可能性,グローバリゼーションへのカウンター・メディア」 |
『談』(たばこ総合研究センター) |
63, 81-102 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「経済学者の肖像:グローバル化に逆行する"地域通貨"は二一世紀に大きな可能性を持つ」 |
『エコノミスト臨時増刊 今こそ、経済学。』(朝日新聞社) |
2000年4月10日号, 8-9 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「広がる地域通貨 コミュニケーション再生に」 |
『北海道新聞』 |
2000年4月27日朝刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「地域通貨の向こうに見えるもの」 |
『NODE』(北海道情報宣伝研究会) |
15, 51-58 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「辞典項目:コルナイ,社会主義経済計算論争」 |
『経済思想史辞典』(経済学史学会) |
2000年6月, 144, 176 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「経済教室 貨幣の未来,信頼を礎に」 |
『日本経済新聞』 |
2000年8月24日朝刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「地域通貨の可能性 オークションの要素が創造を生む」 |
『東京新聞』 |
2000年9月4日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「ソーシャルなネットワークとしての地域通貨 お金が変われば市場が変わる」 |
『広告』(博報堂) |
2000年9+10月号 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「LETSについて」 |
柄谷行人編 |
『NAM原理』(太田出版) |
2000年11月 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「書評:金子勝『セーフティーネットの政治経済学』ちくま新書」 |
『経済セミナー』(日本評論社) |
2000年4月号 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「書評:ベルナルド・リエター『マネー崩壊』」 |
『エコノミスト』(毎日新聞社) |
2000年10月10日号 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
2000 |
「書評:進化経済学会・塩沢由典編『方法としての進化』」 |
『進化経済学会オータムコンファレンス』 |
2000年12月 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1999 |
"'Local' Currency LETS: Media beyond Money and Credit [in Japanese]" |
Critical Space |
Ohta Publishing Co. |
II-22, 26-60 |
報告書 |
Nishibe, M. |
1999 |
"Possibility of Community Currency LETS [in Japanese]" |
New Trend of Local Revitalization in the Northern Regions Countries: North America [in Japanese] |
Northern Regions Center |
Chapter 5 (103-133) |
翻訳 |
Pagano, U. (Translated by Nishibe, M.) |
1999 |
"Information Technology and the 'Biodiversity' of Capitalism [in Japanese]" |
in Yokokawa, N., Noguchi, M. and Itoh, M. (eds.) |
Capitalism in Evolution [in Japanese] |
Nippon Hyoronsha |
199-221 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「カナダにみる『地域通貨』制度の可能性」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1999年2月3日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「論壇時評:山崎正和「「教養の危機」を越えて」(『This is 読売』3月号)▽伊東光晴「日本経済 失われた10年」(『This is 読売』3月号)▽特集「国」と「公」:その同一と差異(『発言者』3月号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1999年2月25日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「相互扶助とコミットメントにもとづくLETS」 |
『ひと・まち』(市民シンクタンク ひと・まち社) |
2, 2 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「扉を開く再生!北海道,第4部マネーのゆくえ8,地域通貨」 |
『北海道新聞』 |
1999年8月2日朝刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「共同討議:貨幣主体と国家主義者を超えて」 |
『批評空間』(太田出版) |
III-2 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「フリマの若者にみる、LETSの可能性の中心」 |
『広告』(博報堂) |
337, 59-62 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「大学生の「学力低下」を感じたことはありますか」 |
『論座』(朝日新聞社) |
1999年10月号 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「「地域通貨」で活性化を,下川の産業クラスター研究会」 |
『北海道新聞』 |
1999年10月26日上北地方版朝刊 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「20世紀名著探訪:ハイエク『個人主義と経済秩序』」 |
北海道新聞 |
1999年1月29日夕刊 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「今週の一冊:ジョージ・ソロス『グローバル資本主義の危機』日本経済新聞社」 |
『週刊ダイヤモンド』(ダイヤモンド社) |
1999年2月13日号 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「書評:ラース・トゥヴェーデ『信用恐慌の謎』ダイヤモンド社」 |
『週刊ダイヤモンド』(ダイヤモンド社) |
1999年2月12日号 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「書評:金子勝『反グローバリズム』岩波書店」 |
『週刊ダイヤモンド』(ダイヤモンド社) |
1999年2月18日号 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「20世紀名著探訪:シュンペーター『経済発展の理論』」 |
『北海道新聞』 |
1999年3月19日夕刊 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「今週の一冊:ダニエル・ヤーギン,ジョゼフ・スタニスロー『市場と国家』日本経済新聞社」 |
『週刊ダイヤモンド』(ダイヤモンド社) |
1999年4月10日号 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「今週の一冊:横川信治・野口真・伊藤誠編著『進化する資本主義』日本評論社」 |
『週刊ダイヤモンド』(ダイヤモンド社) |
1999年6月12日号 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「今週の一冊:池田信夫『インターネット資本主義革命』 NTT出版」 |
『週刊ダイヤモンド』(ダイヤモンド社) |
1999年8月14・21日号 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「今週の一冊:シュンペーター『企業家とは何か』東洋経済新報社」 |
『週刊ダイヤモンド』(ダイヤモンド社) |
1999年10月9日号 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1999 |
「書評:高増明・松井暁『アナリティカル・マルキシズム』ナカニシヤ出版」 |
『経済セミナー』(日本評論社) |
539, 125 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1998 |
"What is the Strength of Capitalism?: Property Rights, Innovation, and Incentives [in Japanese]" |
Comparative Economic System Studies |
The Japanese Society of Comperative Economic Studies |
5, 3-20 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1998 |
"Theory of the Multi-layered Dispersive Market: Irreversible Time, Delinking Mechanism, Price and Quantity Adjustment [in Japanese]" |
the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics |
2, 222-231 |
翻訳 |
Pagano, U. (Translated by Nishibe, M.) |
1998 |
"Information Technology and 'Biodiversity' of Capitalism [in Japanese]" |
Keizai Seminar |
Nippon Hyoronsha |
July 1998 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1998 |
「論壇時評:西部邁・福田和也・浅田彰・柄谷行人「伝統・国家・資本主義」(批評空間II-16)▽塩澤由典「国家と市場に代替するもの」(大航海No.20)▽宮崎義一「第2次複合不況論」(週刊ダイヤモンド1月17日号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1998年1月29日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1998 |
「論壇時評:中村隆英「昭和恐慌に学ぶ」(『This is 読売』3月臨時増刊)▽星岳雄「金融システム再建・50年前に学ぶ」『論争東洋経済』3月号」▽「シンポジウム経済危機の構造」(『世界』3月号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1998年2月26日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1998 |
「論壇時評:L・M・ワラック「世界資本主義の新宣言」(『世界』5月号)▽林敏彦・岩井克人「現代資本主義とデフレ」(『週刊エコノミスト』4月28日号)▽鷲田清一「時が去りゆく,物が消える」(『中央公論』5月号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1998年4月30日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1998 |
「論壇時評:大澤真幸「自由の牢獄」(『アステイオン』夏号)▽平山朝治「『甘え』の構造と『いき』の復権」(『情況』7月号)▽早瀬昇「ボランティアからNPOへ,市民活動の新しい地平」(『論座』7月号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1998年6月30日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1998 |
「インタビュー:低成長下の精神的豊かさは北海道の暮らし方にある!」 |
『週刊ダイヤモンド』(ダイヤモンド社) |
1998年7月18日号 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1998 |
「論壇時評:山崎正和「大分裂の時代」(『中央公論』8月号)▽南亮進「市場経済と民主主義―失われるリンク」(『世界』8月号)▽高橋乗宣「世界がドル札を手放す日」(『Voice』8月号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1998年7月30日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1998 |
「論壇時評:特集グローバリゼーション(『情況』11月号)▽山下英次「固定為替相場制復帰への道」(『発言者』10月号)▽斎藤精一郎「どうする『大手十九行問題』(『Voice』11月号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1998年10月29日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1998 |
「論壇時評:特集「99年最大のテーマ『世界恐慌』」(『週刊エコノミスト』12/29・1/5合併号)▽吉富勝「グローバル金融危機にどう備えるか」(『論争』1月号)▽金子勝・他「経済再生への対抗提案」(『世界』1月号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1998年12月28日夕刊 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1998 |
「今週の一冊:加藤敏春『エコマネー』日本経済評論社」 |
『週刊ダイヤモンド』(ダイヤモンド社) |
1998年10月10日号 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1998 |
「今週の一冊:進化経済学会編『進化経済学とは何か』」 |
『週刊ダイヤモンド』(ダイヤモンド社) |
1998年12月19日号 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
1998 |
“Role of Various Stocks in the Autonomic Dispersive Market: Delinking, Buffer, Signal [in Japanese]” (Union Subject: "Complex Systems in Social Science: Procedure of the Materialization") |
Symposium co-sponsored by the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics Nonlinear Problem Sectional Meeting, Senshu University Social Science Laboratory and Business Laboratory |
Senshu University |
November 1998 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1997 |
"Reciprocal Exchange and Equivalent Exchange: Necessity of Prices in Reproductive Economic System [in Japanese]" |
Economic Studies |
Hokkaido University |
47, (1), 25-42 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1997 |
"From Equilibrium and Revolution To Dynamics and Evolution [in Japanese]" |
Forum Monthly |
Shakai Hyoronsha |
9, (7), 94-104 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1997 |
"External, Internal and General Commodification of Labor Power: Evolution of Capitalism by 'Internalization of Market' [in Japanese]" |
The bulletin of Japan Society of Political Economy |
Aoki Shoten |
34, 143-164 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1997 |
「論壇時評:竹内靖雄『会社封建主義の終わり』(This is 読売7月号)▽森嶋通夫『英国総選挙は"革命"だった』(Ronza7月号)▽谷藤悦史「イギリス国民は何を望んだか」(中央公論7月号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1997年6月30日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1997 |
「論壇時評:特集「ビッグバンの死角」(週刊エコノミスト7月8日号)▽池尾和人「金融産業革命の条件」(Voice8月号)▽宮脇淳「迫られる財政投融資制度改革」(世界8月号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1997年7月31日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1997 |
「論壇時評:特集「資本『主義』的狂噪」(発言者9月号)▽内藤朝雄「14歳の凶悪犯罪は驚愕すべきことか」(Ronza9・10月号)▽佐伯啓思「戦後社会はA少年に対抗できるか」(正論9月号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1997年8月28日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1997 |
「論壇時評:吉富勝「新・企業統治が生む自然失業率の低下と所得不平等」(論争東洋経済11月号)▽ポール・クルーグマン「ニュー・エコノミーへの警鐘」(ハーバード・ビジネス11月号)▽ピーター・F・ドラッカー「グローバル・エコノミーと国民国家」(中央公論11月号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1997年10月30日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1997 |
「論壇時評:金子勝「本末転倒の財政構造改革論」(世界12月号)▽チャールズ・バレス「なぜ歪むアメリカの日本報道」(中央公論12月号)▽池本美香「親の時間世界に生じている変化」(週刊東洋経済11月22日号)」 |
『朝日新聞』 |
1997年11月27日夕刊 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1997 |
「リジョインダー:荒川章義評『市場像の系譜学』」 |
『経済学史学会年報』(経済学史学会) |
35 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
1997 |
"Theory of Market and Market of Theory [in Japanese]" (Union Subject: "Market Economy and Institutional Change") |
Gifu Economic University Symposium |
Gifu Economic University |
November 15, 1997 |
著書(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1996 |
A Genealogy of Visions of the Market: Visions within 'Economic Calculation Debate' [in Japanese] |
Toyo Keizai Shinpo Sha |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1996 |
"Trends of Neoclassical Economics [in Japanese]" |
in Itoh, M. (ed.) |
History of Economic Thought [in Japanese] |
Yuhikaku Publishing Co. |
Chapter 7 (161-194) |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1996 |
"Multi-layered Adjustment Mechanism of the Market (I): Price and Quantity Adjustment in the Shortest and Shorter Terms [in Japanese]" |
Economic Studies |
Hokkaido University |
45, (4), 69-95 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1996 |
"Rhetoric and Realism: Restitution of Methods [in Japanese]" |
Critical Space |
Ohta Publishing Co. |
II-10, 129-145 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1996 |
「書評:関根友彦著『経済学の方向転換』東信堂」 |
『経済学論集』(東京大学) |
62, (1) |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
1996 |
Commentator for: 松原隆一郎「市場と思想」 |
1996 Japan and China Economics Symposium "What is Market(ization): From Experience of Japan and China" |
Tokyo University |
November 29, 1996 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1995 |
"Concepts of Competition and Dynamics: An Task of Market Value Theory [in Japanese]" |
Economic Studies |
Hokkaido University |
44, (4), 99-117 |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1995 |
"Market Value Theory and Dynamic Market Process [in Japanese]" |
The bulletin of Japan Society of Political Economy |
Aoki Shoten |
32, 193-196 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1995 |
「共同討議:貨幣と資本主義」 |
『批評空間』(太田出版) |
II-5 |
論評その他 |
西部忠 |
1994 |
「シンポジウム:いま貨幣論を問う」 |
『月刊フォーラム』(社会評論社) |
1994年6月号 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
1994 |
"Market Value Theory and Dynamic Market Process [in Japanese]" |
the 42th Conference of the Japan Society of Political Economy |
Ritsumeikan University |
October 22, 1994 |
学会,国際会議等(単独) |
Nishibe, M. |
1994 |
Commentator for: 尾近裕幸「ハイエクの<転向>と進化経済学への遺産」 |
the 42th Conference of the Japan Society of Political Economy |
Ritsumeikan University |
October 22, 1994 |
著書(共著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1993 |
“Vision of Market as Social Institution: Hayek and Polanyi’s Vision of Market within the Socialist Economic Calculation Debate [in Japanese]” |
in Itoh, M. and Obata, M. (eds) |
Examining Market Economy from the History of Economic Thought |
Shakai Hyoronsha |
Chapter 7 (237-277) |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1993 |
"Visions of the Market in the Socialist Calculation Debate: Adjustment of Economy and Organization [in Japanese]" |
Doctoral Thesis |
Tokyo University |
論文(単著) |
Nishibe, M. |
1992 |
"Vision of Market as Catallaxy and 'Economic' Problem: General Equilibrium Vision of Market in the Socialist Calculation Debate [in Japanese]" |
The Journal of economic studies |
Tokyo University |
35, 46-60 |
書評 |
西部忠 |
1987 |
「書評:廣松渉『生態史観と唯物史観』」 |
『季刊クライシス』(社会評論社) |
1987年冬号 |