

投稿者 タイトルアイコンの並べ替え 説明
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. 2008 “Network Analyses of the Circulation Flow of Community Currency”   Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, the Japan Association for Evoutionary Economics, 4, (2), 267-300
Makoto Nishibe. 2019 Whither Capitalism? Internalizing the Market and Free Investment Springer, 1-172
Makoto Nishibe 2016 The Enigma of Money - Gold, Central Banknotes, and Bitcoin   Springer, 1-93
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. 2012 A comparison in transaction efficiency between dispersive and concentrated money creation   International Journal of Community Currency Research,, 16, (D), 49-57
Nishibe, M. 2012 "The Present Problem of the Hokkaido Regional Economy and a Remedy: A Reform Plan of the Institution of Money and Finance by Using Hokkaido Community Currency"   Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review,, 9, (Suppl.), 113-133
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. 2011 "The Comparison in Transaction Efficiency between Dispersive and Concentrated Money Creation"   Discussion Paper, Series A,, Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University, 237, 1-12
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. 2011 "The Comparison in Characteristics between Dispersive and Concentrated Money Creation" The Proceedings of International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011,, University of Lyon, France, No. 90, 1-12