

投稿者 タイトルアイコンの並べ替え 説明
吉地望,西部忠 2000 「多層調整企業モデルによる複雑適応系シミュレーション」   『進化経済学論集』(進化経済学会), 4, 288-291
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. 2002 "Inventory, Labour and Price Movements in Business Cycles Based on Multi Agent Simulation"   The Seventh Post-Keynesian Conference,, Kansas City, USA, 2002年9月30日
Kichiji, N. and Nishibe, M. 2011 "The Comparison in Transaction Efficiency between Dispersive and Concentrated Money Creation"   Discussion Paper, Series A,, Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University, 237, 1-12
Makoto Nishibe. 2019 Whither Capitalism? Internalizing the Market and Free Investment Springer, 1-172
Nishibe, M. and Uemura, H. 2005 “The Socio-economics of Institutions and Evolution”   Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, the Japan Association for Evoutionary Economics, 2, (1), 1-5
西部忠 2001 「分業の動態的メカニズム―スミス『国富論』冒頭4章の再検討―」  
伊藤誠編, 『資本主義経済の機構と変動』, お茶の水書房, 第2章(37-70)
西部忠 1997 「均衡,革命から動態,進化へ」   『月刊フォーラム』(社会評論社), 9, (7), 94-104


投稿者 タイトルアイコンの並べ替え 説明
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design"   Discussion Paper, Series A,, Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University, 236, 1-18
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design" The Proceedings of International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011,, University of Lyon, France, No. 89, 1-18
Nishibe, M. 2015 "Globalization: evolution of capitalist market economy through 'Internalization of the Market'" Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, Springer, 12, (1), 31-60
Makoto Nishibe. 2019 Whither Capitalism? Internalizing the Market and Free Investment Springer, 1-172
西部忠 2001 「LETS論」   『批評空間』(批評空間社), III-1, 27-52
西部忠 2000 「グローバリゼーションと地域通貨」   『アソシエ』(御茶の水書房), 4, 326-342
西部忠 2017 「グローバリゼーションの未来:擬制資本が遍在する自由投資主義の彼方」   『比較経済研究』, 比較経済体制学会, 54, (1), 19-48


投稿者 タイトルアイコンの並べ替え 説明
Kurita, K., Miyazaki, Y. and Nishibe, M. 2012 "CC Coupon Circulation and Shopkeepers’ Behaviour: A Case Study of the City of Musashino, Tokyo, Japan"   International Journal of Community Currency Research,, 16, ((D)), 136-145
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design" International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011,, ENS de Lyon, site Descartes, Lyon, France, 2011年2月16日
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design"   Discussion Paper, Series A,, Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University, 236, 1-18
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design" The Proceedings of International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011,, University of Lyon, France, No. 89, 1-18
Nishibe, M. 2012 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design"   International Journal of Community Currency Research,, Vol. 16 Special Issue, (D), 36-48
Kobayashi, S. Hashimoto, T., Kurita, K., Nishibe, M. 2013 "Correlation between Currency Consciousness among Participants of Community Currency and Its Circulation"   2nd International Conference on Complementary Currency Systems,, International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Holland, 1-12
Nishibe, M. 2023 "Diversification and evolution of post-modern money as “ideational money”: from MMT to PMMT" Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, Springer, 20, (1), 47-81


投稿者 タイトルアイコンの並べ替え 説明
Nishibe, M. 2011 "The Trend of Economic Thinking of Market and Money: What is Hayek's Position of the Issue?"   The Proceedings of International Workshop "The Limits to Capitalism: Economics and Liberalism Re-examined",, Hitotsubashi University
西部忠 2011 "The Trend of Economic Thinking of Market and Money: What is the Hayek’s Position on the Issues?" 経済学史学会北海道部会, 北海学園大学, 2011年12月3日
Makoto Nishibe. 2019 Whither Capitalism? Internalizing the Market and Free Investment Springer, 1-172
Nishibe, M. 2010 “Hayek's Transformation of Market-Images in the 1930-40s”  
in Hagemann, H., Nishizawa, T. and Ikeda, Y. (eds.), Austrian Economics in Transition,, Palgrave Macmillan, Chapter 15 (290-309)
Nishibe, M. 2005 “The Theory of Labour Money: Implications of Marx's Critique for the Local Exchange Trading System (LETS)”  
in Uchida, H. (ed.), Marx for the 21st Century,, Routledge, Chapter 7 (89-105)
西部忠 2000 「20世紀とはどんな時代だったか―20世紀資本主義と三人が描いた循環」   『経済セミナー』, 日本評論社, 547, 30-32
西部忠 2001 「LETS論」   『批評空間』(批評空間社), III-1, 27-52


投稿者 タイトルアイコンの並べ替え 説明
吉地望,西部忠 2000 「多層調整企業モデルによる複雑適応系シミュレーション」   『進化経済学論集』(進化経済学会), 4, 288-291
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design"   Discussion Paper, Series A,, Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration, Hokkaido University, 236, 1-18
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design" The Proceedings of International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011,, University of Lyon, France, No. 89, 1-18
T. Kusago, M. Nishibe 2018 "Community dock: a new policy approach for altering institutions"   Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, Springer, (15), 431–459
Takashi Hashimoto and Makoto Nishibe 2017 "Theoretical model of institutional ecosystems and its economic implications"   Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, Springer, (14), 1-27
Makoto Nishibe. 2019 Whither Capitalism? Internalizing the Market and Free Investment Springer, 1-172
Nishibe, M. 2006 “Redefining Evolutionary Economics”   Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, the Japan Association for Evoutionary Economics, 3, (1), 3-25


投稿者 タイトルアイコンの並べ替え 説明
Makoto Nishibe 2019 "Marx's Financial Capitalism"   The Japanese Political Economy,, Routledge, 45, (1-2), 68-80
西部忠 2007 「地域創造性開発の基本的視点」   『地域の「創造性」向上を目指した再生のあり方』, 未来総合研究所, 第1章(25-39)
西部忠 2011 「深刻化する不公正の拡大(観測気流)」   『北海道新聞』, 2011年11月17日朝刊, 10
西部忠 2004 「組織と個人の関係=コミュニケーションの再構築は可能か?」   『InterCommunication』(NTT出版), 50, 28-37
西部忠 2017 「資本主義に代わるオルタナティブ」   ロシア革命100年, 『季刊ピープルズプラン』, ピープルズプラン研究所, (77), 101-119
西部忠 2018 「金融資本主義論:「自由投資資本主義」の一側面としての」   吉原直毅, 『経済セミナー増刊』(されどマルクス), 経済評論社
西部忠編著 2004 『道州制移行への提言―危機に立つ日本と北海道・再生に向けて―(道州制道民臨調報告)』   北海道未来総合研究所