

投稿者アイコンの並べ替え タイトル 説明
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design" The Proceedings of International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011,, University of Lyon, France, No. 89, 1-18
Nishibe, M. 2011 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design" International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011,, ENS de Lyon, site Descartes, Lyon, France, 2011年2月16日
Nishibe, M. 2012 "The Present Problem of the Hokkaido Regional Economy and a Remedy: A Reform Plan of the Institution of Money and Finance by Using Hokkaido Community Currency"   Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review,, 9, (Suppl.), 113-133
Nishibe, M. 2012 "Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design"   International Journal of Community Currency Research,, Vol. 16 Special Issue, (D), 36-48
Nishibe, M. 2019 "Light-Color Money: Three-dimensional Digital Money That Can Express Uniqueness and Diversity of Value Beyond LETS"   Proceedings of 5th Biennial RAMICS International Congress in Japan,, September 11th -15th, 2019,Hida-Takayama, Japan, 293-316
Nishibe, M. 2023 "Diversification and evolution of post-modern money as “ideational money”: from MMT to PMMT" Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,, Springer, 20, (1), 47-81
Mikami, M., Nishibe, M. 2013 "Gaming Simulation using Electronic Community Currency: Behavioral Analysis of Self-versus-Community Consciousness" 2nd International Conference on Complementary Currency Systems,, International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Holland, 1-30